5 Easy Yoga poses For Beginners

Yoga is derived from a sanskrit word “योग” meaning union or a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated from ancient India though there has been a lot of debate about the origin of this one things that’s undebatable is its benefits for our society 

● Yoga improves balance and flexibility. 

● Yoga helps you gain muscle. 

● Yoga makes heart health better. 

● Back discomfort is relieved by yoga. 

● Yoga helps lessen the effects of arthritis. 

● Yoga can assist in weight loss. 

● Yoga helps people feel better and relieves stress. 

Yoga Poses For Two People

1) Sukhasana 

You will learn more about Sukhasana’s complex inner life as you practise. It establishes the circumstances for both the body and the mind to be at ease and aware. Maintain a straight spine while sitting on the mat or the ground with your legs extended in front of you.Inhale, then lower your legs.Instead of crossing your legs at your ankles, do so at mid-shin.Your feet should be on their outside edges and perpendicular to the floor, so keep your ankles slightly flexed. 

Benefits of Sukhasana: 

● It aids in increasing focus. 

● Helps the spine to align itself. 

● Helps to reduce anxiety and tension. 

● It helps to strengthen the lower body and is beneficial for the stability, strength, and mobility of the body. 

● It has a calming impact on both the body and mind, which helps to lower tension and anxiety. 

● Increases focus and makes you more alert by default. 

● It makes the back muscles stronger. 

2) Balasana 

In this pose, the body is in a foetal position and facing the floor. With the shins on the ground, the knees and hips are bent. Your midsection can fit between the knees in this position if your knees are stretched out to roughly the width of a yoga mat or if your chest is lying on your knees. The brow may touch the ground as the head is thrust forward and downward. The arms may be raised in front of the head or down toward the feet.

Benefits of Balasana: 

● Any tightness in the chest is relieved by the yoga pose or balasana. 

● It eases tension in the back and spine, allowing people to rely on yoga for restful sleep. 

● It reduces the strain on your hands and shoulders. 

● For those who have frequent dizziness, the child pose is strongly advised. 

● If performed after a strenuous workday or exertion, this sleeping asana pose can aid in relaxation and muscle sedation, promoting restful sleep. 

3) Savasana 

Savasana, often known as corpse pose. It’s not only idle time or a chance to nap briefly before returning to our hectic schedules. The goal of savasana, a tremendous struggle, is to learn how to simply be. Savasana can be performed in a variety of methods, such as by directing attention to the breath or by using guided muscle relaxation

Benefits of Savasana:

● helps the immunological and digestive systems while calming the central nervous system ● decreases mental tension and stress 

● reduces tension, exhaustion, and fear 

● aids in blood pressure reduction 

● encourages spiritual awakening and consciousness of higher levels

4) Uttanasana 

The full-body stretch known as Uttanasana is also referred to as standing forward fold. To benefit from the posture’s deep stretches, yogis can also practise holding it for a long time during their own practise. This forward fold while standing is excellent for balancing backbends. The pose helps ease back stiffness when performed correctly under the supervision of a licensed yoga instructor. 

Benefits of Uttanasana: 

● increases calf and hip flexibility. 

● bolsters the knees and thighs. 

● keeps your spine flexible and robust. 

● reduces fatigue, depression, anxiety, and stress. 

● soothes the nerves and calms the mind. 

● reduces back, neck, and spine strain. 

● makes the abdominal muscles active. 

5) Dvi-Vrksasana 

Dvi-Vrksasana is the yoga pose that can be practised along with a partner. It is yoga for two people, in which they stand in Vrksasana while inhaling, bending the outer leg at the knee. Here, the inner arm palms are touching the partners’ palms while both arms are stretched. Bend the outside knee while inhaling. The inner arm palms are touching the partners’ palms while both arms are stretched. A tree position with hands joined in the centre while standing side by side.In order to recreate tree posture on the other leg, both partners must turn to face the other direction. 

Benefits of Dvi-Vrksasana: 

● opens up your feet. The ligaments and tendons in your foot can be stretched and strengthened with the help of tree posture. 

● enhances balance Proper posture and weight distribution are necessary for the tree pose, which can assist to stabilise your groyne, thighs, hips, and pelvis. 

● bolsters the core